With sky high energy prices and increasing demands to reduce emissions, making sure your energy using assets are operating at optimal efficiency is an ongoing challenge for most businesses. Auditing these assets on a regular basis has therefore never been more critical.
DTEC consultants have undertaken thousands of energy audits at sites covering a wide range of sectors. If you want to understand how to reduce energy consumption and save on energy costs, then our energy audits can help you.
What is an energy audit?
Our energy audits are conducted in accordance with BS EN 16247, which defines energy audits as "systematic inspection and analysis of energy use and energy consumption of a site, building, system or organisation with the objective of identifying energy flows and the potential for energy efficiency improvements and reporting them"
Why should I undertake an energy audit?
Optimised energy use, reduced energy costs, fewer carbon emissions!
An energy audit will help your company identify cost-effective energy-saving measures that will reduce energy costs and cut organisational carbon emissions.
How can DTEC help?
Our in house team of Chartered Engineers and Energy Managers have in-depth knowledge across a range of sectors having delivered thousands of energy audits over the last 15 years.
Our experts genuinely care about delivery savings for our customers, whether that be taking a deep dive into an individual site, or reviewing the efficiency of a whole portfolio of buildings, we will help you to optimise these assets to help manage the impact on your bottom line costs, and reach your carbon reduction goals.