We know that ESOS can be perceived as an additional burden for some businesses, adding cost and time constraints on already stretched businesses and sustainability professionals.
However, when implemented effectively, this legislation provides significant opportunity for businesses to fundamentally change how energy is managed within their organisation, reducing energy consumption, bottom line costs, and associated emissions.
Our focus is helping you seize this opportunity.
What is ESOS?
The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory energy assessment scheme, introduced by the UK government to help improve the energy efficiency of large organisations. Organisations that qualify for ESOS must carry out assessments every 4 years. These assessments are audits of the energy used by their buildings, industrial processes and transport to identify cost-effective energy-saving measures.
The Phase 1 compliance date was 5 December 2015 and Phase 2 was 5 December 2019. The most recent Phase 3 (qualification date 31 December 2022), has just passed with an extended compliance deadline of 6 August 2024.
We are now in an Action Planning phase between Phase 3 and Phase 4, which will commence on 31 December 2026.
Does my organisation have to comply?
For the qualification date for the third compliance period (31 December 2022) a large undertaking is any UK company that either:​
employs 250 or more people
has an annual turnover in excess of £44 million, and an annual balance sheet total in excess of £38 million
​Your company is part of a larger organisation, which falls into any of the above
How can DTEC help?
DTEC consultants have supported over 80 organisations in complying with Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) over the first three compliance phases.
Our Lead Assessors have also supported organisations through post-assessment audits with the Environment Agency, passing every time.
Our aim is to go beyond compliance, helping you make the most of the opportunity presented by the scheme and providing practical actionable advice and recommendations that will help your organisation achieve its energy and carbon goals.
Where can I get more information?
Full details of the scheme can be found on UK Government websites, or you can contact us